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What is icelandic-style skyr?

Skyr has been a staple of the Icelandic diet for more than 1,000 years. It is a yoghurt made from cow’s milk that, traditionally, is made from the skim milk after the cream has been floated off to make butter. Like milk, regular yoghurt is mostly water, but with skyr, that water is removed which concentrates the milk. In other words, one cup of siggi’s skyr requires 2.5 times more milk than a regular cup of yoghurt.

Read more about skyr

Is your product made in Iceland?

siggi’s skyr is made based on an age-old Icelandic recipe but we practice our craft in Australia.

What are the specks in my vanilla skyr?

The specks that you see in our vanilla flavoured products are actually specks of real vanilla beans!

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