skyr: a wholesome tradition


thick, creamy, and rich in protein, skyr is the traditional yoghurt of Iceland. siggi's skyr is made with simple ingredients and not a lot of sugar* *at least 25% less sugar than the top 3 leading fruit yoghurt brands: siggi’s 7-9g vs. 10-16g per 100g

0.5% milkfat yoghurt

Mainstream yoghurts can have up to 25g of sugar per serving. Our flavoured varieties have 10-12g and are sweetened with fruit and a touch of cane sugar*. *at least 25% less sugar than the top 3 leading fruit yoghurt brands: siggi’s 7-9g vs. 10-16g per 100g

4% milkfat yoghurt

It has long been a custom to pour fresh cream over your skyr to create what is called rjóma-skyr. Siggi's dad, for example, may even have more cream than skyr in his elaborate concoction! We try to recreate that richer experience here using whole milk and a bit of cream.